On 10th June, the long-awaited plaque commemorating the life and work of
Rev. Donald Caskie was unveiled in the presence of Mme Jeanne d'Hauteserre, mayor of the 8th arrondissement, Ms Lucy Sterne, head of Scottish Government France and Mr Thomas Barry, acting deputy head of mission, France at the British Embassy. Mme Laurence Patrice, deputy mayor of Paris responsible for remembrance and veterans' affairs paid a vibrant homage to Donald Caskie, as did Mr Pierre Mure, representing our congregation.
The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland was unable to attend due to the travel restrictions at the time but he nevertheless sent a message which was read out during the ceremony. He also sent a video message which played continuously in the sanctuary throughout the day. Ms Lucy Sterne spoke about the Auld Alliance between Scotland and France and as we all stood in the rue Bayard on a glorious sunny day, listening to the sound of Francis Sykes' bagpipes, there could be no doubt that it is still very much alive!
Rev. Donald Caskie was unveiled in the presence of Mme Jeanne d'Hauteserre, mayor of the 8th arrondissement, Ms Lucy Sterne, head of Scottish Government France and Mr Thomas Barry, acting deputy head of mission, France at the British Embassy. Mme Laurence Patrice, deputy mayor of Paris responsible for remembrance and veterans' affairs paid a vibrant homage to Donald Caskie, as did Mr Pierre Mure, representing our congregation.
The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland was unable to attend due to the travel restrictions at the time but he nevertheless sent a message which was read out during the ceremony. He also sent a video message which played continuously in the sanctuary throughout the day. Ms Lucy Sterne spoke about the Auld Alliance between Scotland and France and as we all stood in the rue Bayard on a glorious sunny day, listening to the sound of Francis Sykes' bagpipes, there could be no doubt that it is still very much alive!
Elena Brunel, Noémie Robic, Amal Moummouch and Oriel Branchereau, pupils of Derek Bonin-Bree's at the Collège Watteau in Nogent-sur-Marne, read extracts from The Tartan Pimpernel in French and English and it was heartwarming to see the younger generation taking an interest in the exploits of the brave men and women who fought for our freedom. It was also an honor to watch the flag bearers from the British Legion lower their flags in front of the plaque at the end of the ceremony.
Clara Hugo, wife of our former pianist Jan Hugo, gave a moving a cappella rendition of Amazing Grace, during which not a sound was to be heard, such is the power of the words of this hymn. Her performance was a fitting end to what was an emotional day for many.
After a time for photos, guests were invited to a cocktail in the church, hosted by Scottish Government France. The patio was well used as we sipped our champagne and soft drinks and caught up with friends, some of whom we had not seen since the pandemic began. Those who enjoy a wee dram were not forgotten: in a nod to Donald Caskie's birthplace, the Bowmore 12 year old single malt was very much appreciated!
Clara Hugo, wife of our former pianist Jan Hugo, gave a moving a cappella rendition of Amazing Grace, during which not a sound was to be heard, such is the power of the words of this hymn. Her performance was a fitting end to what was an emotional day for many.
After a time for photos, guests were invited to a cocktail in the church, hosted by Scottish Government France. The patio was well used as we sipped our champagne and soft drinks and caught up with friends, some of whom we had not seen since the pandemic began. Those who enjoy a wee dram were not forgotten: in a nod to Donald Caskie's birthplace, the Bowmore 12 year old single malt was very much appreciated!
Wednesday evening's bilingual remembrance service led by Rev. Hartmut Keitel, pastor of the Christuskirche, Paris provided a very moving start to our Caskie celebrations. Rev. Keitel's message about Christian brotherhood and friendship is perfectly reflected in the Caskie story.
We thank Rev. Keitel and his congregation for accepting our invitation and giving us the opportunity to enjoy a special moment of Christian fellowship.
We thank Rev. Keitel and his congregation for accepting our invitation and giving us the opportunity to enjoy a special moment of Christian fellowship.
The closing service was held in the Scots Kirk, rue Bayard on Sunday, 13th June. Elder Scott MacSween preached the sermon and Thierry Bloas-Saintmarc accompanied us on the piano.