2024-2025 concert series
This year we are pleased to welcome violinist Ariane Granjon and pianist Laurent Cabasso who will be presenting a series of concerts under the auspices of their non-profit association La Terrasse des Audiences which aims to make music available to as wide a public as possible through a variety of novel formats. The 2024-2025 season features both experienced musicians and students and proposes works by Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Degli Antonii, Schubert and many others.
Concert dates and booking information can be found on the association website (in French only).
We are equally pleased to welcome two artistic directors, themselves active musicians on the international scene, violinist Rachel Koblyakov and cellist Florimond Dal Zotto who have formed chamber music series Arborescences Sonores with the goal of sharing a variety of musical work by both well-loved and lesser-known composers, as well as privileging more unusual chamber music formations. In the spirit of opening the concert experience to all ages and backgrounds, each event will include either a family-friendly introduction or longer intermission featuring an informal exchange with the audience about the composers, the instruments, and music in general. Seasoned chamber music enthusiasts, families with young children and those absolutely new to the concert scene are invited to partake alike.
Concert dates and booking information can be found at rachelkoblyakov.com
Concert dates and booking information can be found at rachelkoblyakov.com